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A causa de la situació per la qual estem passant tots, amb motiu de la crisi sanitària de l'Covid19 i per prevenir el contagi per coronavirus, el Festival de globus d'al Mercat de l'Ram de Vic 2020 ha estat cancel·lat. És moment d'estar tots a casa, ser responsables i ten...
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Balloon flight Costa Brava

Our balloons take off from Colomers, to fly in a balloon at Emporda is an activity that has been done for twenty years and it is one of the most attractive activities in due its landscape, the colours and contrasts of this county of Catalonia.

The programme of the day will be as follows: we will meet the time agreed on the launch site. The timetable will depend on the season, so in winter it will be at 8am, and in summer at 7am. Once there, the pilot will introduce himself and he will explain the steps to prepare the balloon.

We will start with the basket on the ground and to build the hot air balloon, the passengers will be invited to participate if they wish, and we will take pictures as souvenirs.

Once the envelope is stretched, we hook it to the basket and we inflate it with a powerful fan. When the envelope takes shape, the pilot begins to blow hot air by burning propane with the burners, this fact causes that the ballon starts to rise and in a few minutes...the hot air balloon is ready to fly.

All the passengers get into the basket, the pilot makes a safety briefing and gives the landing instructions and checks the radio contact with the ground crew. The flight at Empordà begins! The take off is gentle and majestic, it has nothing to do with other aircrafts.

As we rise, the first sensations appear, the first smiles happen, to take off next to the river Ter has its charm and the area with trees and the rural center of Colomers are incredible. 

The whimsical wind will take us as it please, towards the south it can be seen Foixà, a small medieval town with a castle and a lookout point which the writer Josep Pla depicted as a hidden delight, after that we can see the villages Púbol, Ullastret or Peratallada. Flying to east we will see the Montgrí mountain range, Estartit or l'Escala. To north we will see Sant Pere Pescador, Sant Martí d'Empúries and Figueres.

The pilot will try to make a high flight if the weather conditions allow it to stare these sites without loing sight of the Costa Brava, the Medes islands and the bay of Roses. Then, will go down to appreciate in detail the fields of fruit trees and vineyards, the wildlife and some villages where the wind will have taken us. 

For more than an hour we will enjoy the feeling of floating on a balcony with the best views, an experience so relaxing and rewarding that you will always remember with a smile. 

We will land on an accessible site where our team could fold the balloon, and after pack it we will come back to the launch site. One of  the most nice moments will happen in the restaurant, not because of the lunch, which will be generous and important,  but when the photographic report will be shown, the discuss and the laughs, moments that will remain in our memory and in the digital device that we will deliver to our passengers. The activity ends with the Flight Certificate delivery and the toast with cava, a tradition that remains since 1783 and it is made every time when a balloon flight is done.

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