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Balloon flight Barcelona Vic

To fly by hot air balloon in Barcelona Vic is always a good choice, whether you've lived the experience of flying in other places before as if it is the first time you do it.

Halfway between the coast and the mountains lies the region of Osona, where our balloon flight will take place.
During the flight we can stare at the mountains, and on clear days we will see the Montseny, Montserrat, and the Pyrenees, and if the weather conditions allow us we will go high to see the coast and Barcelona

The activity begins early in the morning. We meet with our passengers in a cafeteria with car park so you can leave your vehicles there. We will transfer you to the take-off field with Globus Barcelona ground team and there we will introduce you the balloon pilot.

We will start with the basket on the ground and to build the hot air balloon, the passengers are invited to participate if they wish, and we will take pictures as souvenirs.

Once the envelope is stretched, we hook it to the basket and we inflate it with a powerful fan. When the envelope takes shape, the pilot begins to blow hot air by burning propane with the burners, this fact causes that the ballon starts to rise and in a few minutes...the hot air balloon is ready to fly.

All the passengers get into the basket, the pilot makes a safety briefing and gives the landing instructions, we are ready! While the pilot is burning, the balloon is rising slowly, majestically...we are flying.

From the heights the views are incredible and the feeling indescribable, 360 degrees across the Vic plain, green mountains, fields with different shades of color, buildings full of history, just fantastic. 

We will fly over the area from a bird's eye view, without a preassigned route as the winds will set us the way, as well as the height, which will sometimes reach 1500 meters.

During the flight we will be in continuous radio communication with our ground crew, which will help us to fold the balloon and will take us back to the meeting point. 

We will pick up the vehicles and we will all go to a restaurant in the area, there, we will have lunch, we will see the photographic report of the day that our team will have already edited and we will talk about the flight.The pilot will deliver a flight certificate to each passenger and to put the final touch to the activity we will make a toast with cava, a tradition that began in 1783 when the first balloon flight with people in Paris was done, and which is maintained until our days. All photos are delivered to the passengers on a usb digital device. 

After the balloon flight “Barcelona” with Globus Barcelona we recommend to visit Vic on foot since as the capital of the region of Osona it has a lot of tourist attractions for the visitor. 

The Mercadal or Plaza Mayor, is its most emblematic place for hosting fairs and markets since immemorial times, today it hosts the weekly market and each year it is the launch site for balloons during the Mercat del Ram, a privilege that only a few can have. 

If you want to fly in a balloon with us during the Mercat del Ram de Vic, contact Globus Barcelona at info globusbarcelona.com or at the telephone number 665.70.42.65.

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